Sunday, December 8, 2019

Abortion1 Essay Example For Students

Abortion1 Essay Category:Social IssuesPaper Title:abortionText:Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been continually arguedover for the past few years and probably many years to come. The maincontroversy is should abortion be legalized. I believe it should. Abortion is a discussion of human interaction where ethics, emotions,and law come together.(2618). Each women has the right to decide whethershe wants to abort an unwanted pregnancy. The termination of the pregnancy mighthave to do with the health of the mother herself, or maybe she is unable toattend to her childs needs after it is born, this may result in child abuseand mental disease. Most abortions occur because contraception fails,because of a rape or because of a serious medical condition of the mother, whichcould lead to her death. In these situations abortion is often the onlyway that prevents the birth of an unwanted child or saves a mothers life. Abortion is a tough choice and the decision should be a personal one, without interference of government or special interest groups. Since 1973 abortion has been an important controversial issue to theUnited States.(Unknown Tag forum link). The debate is over weather it is awomans choice or not to terminate her pregnancy or should it be up to thegovernment. When women lose their right to choose abortion they may startperforming them illegally. This may do serious harm to the mother and herbody. (Unknown Tag forum link). Pro-choice supports believe that it is the moral right for a women to be ableto control their own body whether it is having a baby or destroying it. They feel it is the womans right to be able to do what she wants withherself and what she has created.(1531). Victims of rape and incestagree that it would be better to suffer through the pain of abortion than tohave to live with a deformed child or a child that is not really your own as aproduct of rape or incest(1531). Abortions should be legalized for the fact that if its not kept legal manywomen perform illegal abortions. This is such abortion methods which are evenmore dangerous. Illegalization of abortion may bring on many consequences. If a women falls avictim of rape and become pregnant due to it, it is not fair to make her keepthe child. In reality most women are smart enough to realize that anabortion is a serious matter. Each time an abortion is performed she not onlydestroys her child, but she destroys her body.Many argue that abortion is plain and simple murder. They state that if awomen feels responsible enough to have sex, she needs to be responsible enoughto deal with the consequences. Basically pro-life supporters argue thatthe baby can not be killed because it has the constitutional right tolive.(Heather).Basically it is an irreversible procedure that no woman inher right mind wants to go through, if not necessary. Abortion is a horrible experience for one to go through. Emotionally as wellas physically, it affects. The whole issue comes down to the womens choice. She and only she, should decide what to do to her body. A womens right tochoose is a very precious right and need to remain. Social Issues

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